The Greenville Spinners is proud to annouce that they have donated $500 each to Palmetto Cycling Coalition and Bike Walk Greenville in honor of National Bike Month.  Both Bike Walk Greenville and Palmetto Cycling Coalition work to strengthen the cycling community.

Bike Walk Greenville’s mission is “to promote the health, safety and economic vitality of Greenville County by advocating for bicycling and walking connectivity.”  Palmetto Cycling Coalition has a similar mission for the state of South Carolina, “The mission of the Palmetto Cycling Coalition is to make South Carolina bicycle and pedestrian friendly, by improving safety through better access and education, to promote healthy lifestyles and livable and economically viable communities.”

Since May is National Bike Month, we should all look for ways we can make our communities better for cyclists, and just as importantly… Get out and ride your bike!

For more information about these organizations, check out their websites: Bike Walk Greenville  Palmetto Cycling Coalition

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