Calling all Greenville Spinners Members. All ages. All speeds.
Join the Greenville Spinners Racing Team!
Joining in on all the fun is as easy as 1, 2, 3
- You don’t have to identify as a racer…yet. Buy a Giordana kit and you will!
- The kit is so comfortable we know you’ll love it and wear it during charity rides & be inspired to sign up for races.
- We hope you’ll join us for Monday night quarterly Team Rides & Social Time at exclusive events hosted by Sweet Sippin’ with giveaways and door prizes from our awesome sponsors.
Our Giordana Store will be open through Sunday 4/28 11:59pm EST. The anticipated delivery date to your home is on or around 5/28/2024.
We have a Giordana fit klt
- Fit Kit Location: PWA (Jeff Michenfelder’s bike shop)
- PWA Address: 25 Sweetbriar Rd Ste 3A, Greenville SC 29615.
- PWA Business Hours: M/W/F from 8am to 5pm and T/Th from 2pm to 5pm

Our Sponsors
- TreesUpstate – you have it on file
- Greenville Bike & Tri – you have it on file
- Greenville Cycling Multi-Sport – you have it on file
- Cycle Haus
- Sweet Sippin’
- Surya Yoga
- Cherokee Valley
- Supra – offering Greenville Spinners a 15% off discount for their online store! Use the code GVLSRT24 for Supra Nutrition Bars
- Punisher Magellen